Effective for 2020 your TBW annual dues will increase to 20.00 a year.
The announcement of the increase in annual dues presented an opportunity to share how your money is utilized by the organization. It is true that dues go towards general costs of maintaining TBW equipment, renting land for events, printing the newsletter and helping to bring you great events such as the Rock Shoot, Rendezvous, Banquet and Western States. In addition; TBW supports many activities, events and other local traditional archery clubs in the greater Pacific Northwest area. For example, this last summer we had the honor of participating in Mission Outdoors with Flint Tip Archery. TBW has supported and participated in events like Burn Camp and WAJAM to name a small few. These events help promote traditional archery and bring tremendous joy to the families involved. In addition to the outreach activities and charitable donations, TBW has served as an active representative and advocate to protecting your right to hunt and preserve the traditional way of archery.
Your Board of Directors are a dedicated group of volunteers that are passionate about preserving not only the continued success and development of Traditional Bowhunters of Washington, but more importantly preserving the ways of traditional archery for generations to come.
Thank you for your ongoing support of TBW and traditional archery.
Jami Liebel
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