Welcome to,   Traditional Bowhunters of Washington!

Traditional Bowhunters of Washington has been promoting traditional archery since 1990.  Our mission is to promote the use and crafting of traditional equipment.  We are families, friends and members of the community with a goal of enriching the lives of adults and children alike.  We appreciate the beauty of handcrafted bows, arrows and archery tackle.

 Our members are individuals that adhere to and believe in the rules of fair chase as set down by the Pope & Young Club.

 Every year TBW hosts a number of exciting and challenging events for the whole family. Visit our events page to see when and where!

 For information on becoming a member of TBW, or renewing your membership, see the Membership link on the menu.



 “Go afield with a good attitude, with respect for the wildlife you hunt and for the forest and fields in which you walk. Immerse yourself in the outdoor experience it will cleanse your soul and make you a better person

-Fred Bear


The history of the bow and arrow
is the history of mankind

– Fred bear






Have you seen Traditional Bowhunters of WA on Facebook yet??
(clicking this link will open a new Facebook login window first.)

Have a great photo or story to share?

The TBW editors are always looking for great new material for the Toxophilite

Submit to: tbweditor@gmail.com


Registration now open for:

North American Longbow Safari

July 4-8th


August 2-4th

Visit the calendar for event details


Last updated 06.24.2024