Sun Basin Rock Shoot, held at Moses Lake. A Traditional Bowhunters of Washington 3-D shoot, held April 22-24, 2016

Sun Basin Rock Shoot, held at Moses Lake. A Traditional Bowhunters of Washington 3-D shoot, held April 22-24, 2016

Sun Basin Rock Shoot, held at Moses Lake. A Traditional Bowhunters of Washington 3-D shoot, held April 22-24, 2016 These photos are compliments of, and copyright of, Lenny Kerbs

The 2016 TBW Banquet and Board meeting was held 20 Feb, at "The Cove" in Normandy Park.

The big deal this year was Roger's retirement and passing the symbolic arrow of responsibility on to Myron. The TBW shelter has improved every year and allows plenty of protection for the campers from the hot sun or drizzle. Some of the campers that first came to us as small children now tower over us and our especially helpful as coaches. Some of their scars are very, very obvious and others not at all.

WSTR.... Western States Traditional Rendezvous.
The WSTR is the premier traditional archery event in the pacific northwest, and In 2010 it was hosted by the Traditional Bowhunters of Washing, in Packwood.
All images copyrighted Brian Scott. Used with permission

The 2009 Traditional Bowhunters of Washington annual Rendezvous, was held 31 July near Packwood, WA.
The annual Rendezvous is held solely for the purpose of fellowship, shooting the bow and arrow, and making traditional equipment.
All image copyright Brian Scott. Used with permission.

the Western States Tradtional Rendezvous, held in Randall, WA, May 2006, was hosted by TBW this year.

Sun Basin Traditional Shoot - Moses Lake WA - April 2006

Traditional Bowhunters of Washington's 5th annual Washington Selfbow Jamboree was held on July 2005

The Sunbasin rock shoot by TBW,